Yoga For Abs: 5 Celeb-Inspired Poses For Sculpted Abs

The Beyoncé Boat Pose

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Inspired by the queen of pop herself, the Beyoncé Boat Pose is perfect for targeting your core muscles and sculpting your abs. Beyoncé swears by vinyasa yoga and credits a lot of well-rounded fitness routines to it.

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The Chris Hemsworth Plank

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Channel your inner Thor with the Chris Hemsworth Plank. The perfectly built actor swears by 20-minute workouts and one of his favourites is doing the plank. This pose is excellent for strengthening your core and toning your abs.

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The Jennifer Aniston Side Plank

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Get those enviable abs like Jennifer Aniston with the Side Plank. The American sweetheart combines yoga and Pilates for her daily fitness. The side plank targets not only your abs but also your obliques, helping to create a sculpted waistline.

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The David Beckham Bicycle Crunches

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Inspired by the soccer legend himself, the David Beckham Bicycle Crunches are perfect for sculpting your abs and improving your core strength.

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The Gisele Bündchen Upward Plank

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One of the first supermodels and the best of Victoria's Angels to ever walk a ramp, Gisele is strict about her fitness and we can see that! Gisele Bündchen inspired Upward Plank