Stand with arms by sides, lean forward, lower knees onto mat, place pelvis on heels, point toes outward, keep heels close, palms facing up, and sit straight.
Happy Pose involves placing palms on knees, sitting erect with spine straight, and folding left leg and right leg inside the right thigh.
Sit upright, extend legs, join, and maintain a straight back. Tighten pelvic, thigh, and calves muscles, support spine with palms on floor, and relax shoulders.
Adomukhi Svanasana
Start in Cat Pose, with palms below shoulders and knees below hips. Push hips up, straighten knees and elbows, form an A' shape, and push heels to floor.
Position yourself in Samasthithi by raising your left leg, placing your foot on the inside of your raised thigh, supporting it with your palms, and lifting your hands up.