Tadasana is a beneficial warm-up pose that enhances blood circulation, activates the core and peripheral areas, and prepares the body for subsequent poses.
Surya namaskar
Surya Namaskar is a daily yoga practice involving twelve positions, promoting stretches, detoxification, and deep breathing. It's best practiced in the morning, facing the sun.
Forward fold relieves anxiety, slows heart rate, and softens abdominals, aiding in stomach function and addressing minor or major abdominal issues.
Paschimottanasana, a Hatha Yoga pose, stimulates the solar plexusi, offers tummy toning, and offers stretch to hamstrings, thighs, hips, and is beneficial for digestive disorders.
Pavanamuktasana alleviates gastric issues like indigestion and constipation by stimulating fat burning in the tummy region by holding the position for over a minute.