What to Focus on During Meditation

The Breath.

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This is perhaps the most common type of meditation. Focus your attention on your breath

The Body Scan

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Pay attention to the physical sensations in your body. Start from the top of your head and slowly move your attention down

The Present Moment

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Instead of focusing on something specific externally, simply focus your attention on being in the present moment


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Focus on your emotions. What are you feeling? What are the layers and subtleties to those emotions?

Emotional Triggers

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Trace an emotion back to its cause. What triggered that emotion? Are there unconscious emotional triggers at play


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Focus on your own sense of compassion. On your care and love for others around you


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Bring to mind a person who has wronged you, or whom you perceive to have wronged you

Your Core Values

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Explore what your core values are. What do you really care about? What do you stand for


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How inspired do you feel right now, in the present moment? Explore the intricacies of what makes you feel inspired

Your Goals

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Think about some of your most important goals. What comes up when you think of them? Do you feel excited