What is Movember and why men's health takes centre stage in November?

As November begins, so does the annual Movember campaign, a month-long initiative dedicated to raising awareness of men's health issues.

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Movember, a portmanteau of "moustache" and "November," encourages men to grow facial hair and engage in conversations about physical and mental well-being

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This global movement aims to tackle pressing health concerns, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.

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Movember, founded in 2003 in Australia, has grown into a global phenomenon, spanning over 20 countries and raising awareness and funds for critical men's health issues.

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Prostate and testicular cancer are among the key health issues addressed by Movember.

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Testicular cancer, while less common, can affect men at a young age. Hence, self-examination and awareness of the disease are of utmost importance.

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Mental health and suicide prevention are other significant areas of focus for the Movember campaign. Men are often less likely to seek help for mental health issues, contributing to higher suicide rates among men.

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Movember strives to reduce the stigma surrounding men's mental health and create an environment where men feel comfortable discussing their struggles and seeking support.

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