What Is Marburg Disease? Know Symptoms, Transmissions Rate And Treatment

What is Marburg disease?

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Both the Marburg virus and Ebola virus belong to the same Filoviridae family but are caused by different viruses. This virus leads to hemorrhagic fever in humans with a high fatality ratio of up to 88%.

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Symptoms of Marburg disease

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Marburg leads to symptoms like high fever, severe headaches, muscle aches, severe malaise and pains. After two to three days, the infected individual may experience abdominal pain

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Marburg virus spread through human-to-human transmission. Transmission of infected droplets from one person to another via any medium can infect the other person.

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Prevention of Marbury virus

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Steps that can help control human-to-human transmission should be taken. One should not come in contact with an infected person. One should not have any kind of exposure to mines or caves inhabited by fruit bats.

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Currently, there is no vaccine or drug to treat this virus. Treatment is given to patients to improve the symptoms.

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