What Is ChatGPT and How Is It Used in Education?

How does it work?

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The chat app, released widely for free in late November 2022, is based on the underlying GPT technology, which comprehensively scanned the internet during the summer of 2020

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Is this thing infallible?

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It can’t generate content based on things that have happened after its most recent scan of the internet in 2021, so some of the references it generates are out of date. Sometimes it gets math problems or words wrong.

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Who’s behind this technology?

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OpenAI, a San Francisco-based research laboratory that contains a for-profit company and its nonprofit parent. Among its founders and biggest ongoing donors are controversial figures like Twitter CEO Elon Musk

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Why are educators getting interested?

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Some users have already tested the app’s ability to generate convincing versions of responses to essay questions and even publishable academic papers. Others believe students may benefit from understanding the ins and outs

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Is ChatGPT done evolving?

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Version 4 of GPT is tentatively slated to debut sometime this year, though OpenAI hasn’t announced an official date. Some experts project the more-evolved version, with more than five times the parameters of Version 3

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