What is a sonnenrad? Ron DeSantis Nazi campaign video

A Ron DeSantis campaign video that featured Nazi imagery recently went viral online.

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The same was shared by his campaign’s speechwriter Nate Hochman. It remains unclear as to whether the clip was created in-house or by a fan

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The viral video, which is a minute long, featured many gleaming over Gov. Ron DeSantis’ policies against the LGBTQ community

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The end of the video showed the Florida state flag being hoisted with a sonnenrad, which is frequently used by modern neo-nazis and white supremacists.

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It remains unclear if Nate Hochman knew that the sonnenrad existed in the video before retweeting it online. The video that he shared has since been deleted.

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The symbol, which shows a sun wheel, was frequently used by Nazi Germany - which included the SA and the SS as well

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Historically, many countries and cultures, including the Norse and Celtic people, used the original logo.

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The sonnenrad logo symbolizes the Nazi’s attempts to invent an idealized Aryan race. In one form of the logo that white supremacists frequently

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It is important to note that the sonnenrad Nazi image was not solely used or invented by Nazi Germany. In many cultures, the imagery does not always denote racism or white supremacy

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After Hochman’s actions garnered traction online, a DeSantis campaign official announced that the former was no longer employed.

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