What happens on swallowing chewing gum?

Swallowing chewing gum isn't a big deal, and we all have done it at least once.

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Have you ever wondered what happens to the chewing gum after we swallow it? A doctor has set the record straight once and for all.

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He said that swallowing a couple of chewing gum isn't dangerous, but if you swallow several of them, it might block the digestive system.

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Swallowing chewing gum does not harm the digestive process and passes through stools.

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It might take up to 40 hours and can vary from person to person. Usually, the person won't feel a thing if the gum is present inside their stomach or in the intestine

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The swallowed gum passes with stools without causing any irritation. In case you feel any uneasiness, consult your doctor immediately for advice, though.

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It's best to drink plenty of water so that the gum does not get stuck in the food pipe, ensuring that it passes through easily.

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Cramps and diarrhea can happen occasionally and must be dealt with by a registered medical professional.

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