Lie on the floor with your face down and spot your hands close to your shoulders.
Stretch your legs however much as could be expected, gradually breathe in, and afterward lift your chest area.
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Lie on the floor and hold your face down.
Presently twist your knees and hold your feet with your hands.
Breathe in, lift your hands and feet alongside your chest and shoulders.
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Stoop on the floor and keep your hips and thighs straight in one line.
Put your hands on your rump, keep your fingers descending, and incline in reverse to frame a curve.
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Rests on the floor confronting the roof. Place your hands close by, loosen up your shoulders, and keep your legs straight.
Lift your hands and legs together, making a 45 degrees point.
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Sethu bandha sarvangasana
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Start by resting on the floor on your back.
With your palms confronting, stretch your arms on the sides toward your feet. Press them down to lift your hips up.
Fold your jaw and entwine your hands behind your back.