Valentine's Day: These zodiac pairings may get lucky in love

Taurus and Cancer

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"Taurus and Cancer share a harmonious compatibility,"

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Scorpio and Pisces

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"Being both water signs, Scorpio and Pisces share a strong emotional connection,"

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Leo and Sagittarius

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"Leo and Sagittarius both belong to the Fire element, bringing energy and passion to the relationship,"

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Aquarius and Libra

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"For Aquarius, Saturn is overlooking the 3rd, 7th, and 10th house from its position in the 1st house. 7th house is for marriage and 10th is for a successful life,"

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Gemini and Aquarius

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"Saturn, the planet of responsibility and discipline, will move into the 9th house for Gemini, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion and prosperity, will be positioned in the 11th house, which symbolizes long-term connections and relationships,"

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