UK young professionals scheme for Indian citizens

UK-India young professionals visa scheme

The newly introduced Young Professionals Visa UK permits Indian citizens to work in the UK for up to 24 months.

UK-India young professionals visa scheme: Eligibility

You must be an Indian national/citizen between 18 and 30 years.

You must have a minimum of £2,530 (INR 2.6 Lakhs) in savings to support yourself in the United Kingdom.

How to apply for UK-India young professionals scheme?

To apply for the Young Professionals Scheme offered by the UK government, you need to enter the India Young Professionals Scheme ballot.

UK-India young professionals visa scheme: Validity

UK government has declared to give a visa to 2,400 Indian citizens under the Young Professionals Scheme. You can apply for the scheme using the ballot. The visa's validity is 24 months.

UK-India young professionals visa scheme: Cost of application

The UK-India Young Professionals Scheme ballot is free to enter. If selected, you will pay an application fee of £259 (INR 26,000) and a healthcare surcharge of £940 (INR 94,000) for the UK Young Professionals visa.