Top tips to prevent and protect yourself from dengue

Eliminate breeding sites

Stimming water, such as flower pots, discarded containers, and gutters, can breed Aedes mosquitoes that transmit dengue. Regularly check and eliminate standing water around your home.

Regular screening of the house

Regular screenings by local authorities, associations, and individuals are crucial for maintaining vigilantness and identifying breeding spots to prevent potential issues.

Use mosquito nets and screens

To prevent mosquitoes from entering your home, sleep under mosquito nets during daytime, and use window and door screens to block out their entry.

Wear protective clothing

To reduce mosquito exposure, wear long-sleeved clothing, long pants, socks, and shoes outdoors, and light-colored clothing as dark colors attract mosquitoes.

Use mosquito repellents

Use mosquito repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil on exposed skin and clothing, following label instructions.