Top 7 Food for Breakfast to Start Your Day With


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An egg is quite the small protein powerhouse, eggs have been a very popular food choice for breakfast. The versatile nature of eggs makes it a favorite for many


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Oatmeal is a very popular choice for breakfast and is a well-known heart-healthy food. They prevent fluctuations in blood sugar levels which may contribute to morning fatigue.

Greek Yogurt

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Greek yogurt is a probiotic-rich breakfast that promotes a healthy gut and contributes to a better digestive system.

Chia Seeds

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Chia seeds when consumed in the presence of water, absorb it and swell, thus contributing to keeping you full which further avoids those sudden food cravings.


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The potassium and magnesium powerhouse, bananas are a good food for breakfast. They help in reducing cholesterol levels and hindering them from entering the arteries.

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Spinach is highly packed with iron which is an essential metal for the transportation of oxygen in the body. It can be consumed with a variety of options like smoothies and combining it with your omelet.


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Almonds are a very good morning snack as they contain healthy fats and proteins. Just a handful of them can help in giving a boost to your day. These can be paired with yogurt or oats.
