Top 5 new Google Maps features you must know

Deleting place-related activity

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Users can now view and delete recent activity associated with specific locations, like searches, directions, visits, and shares.

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Accessing location controls from the blue dot

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The blue dot in Google Maps, which shows users their current location, will also offer access to location controls.

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Changes to Location History policy

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Google Maps will now set a default timeline for auto-deleting location history to three months, compared to the previous 18 months. Users can still choose to increase the duration of their location history or turn off the auto-delete settings.

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Improved transit routes and collaborative lists

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In November, Maps announced several new features to help users navigate through the holiday season.

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Saving locations using emojis

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Google Maps has also started allowing users to save their favorite locations with emojis. Previously, all saved locations on Maps shared the same icon.