Tips for showing yourself some self-compassion

Check in with yourself throughout the day

Take a break, nap, or have a reassuring conversation to recharge, as part of self-care involves listening and addressing needs.

Journal about times you’re hard on yourself

Throughout the week, make note of times when you notice harsh self-talk or judgments about yourself.

Find small ways to practice self-kindness in difficult moments

Consider rituals like tea, watching funny videos, journaling, walking, prayer, or meditation to soothe and nourish your body.

Try a guided meditation

Website offers over a dozen self-compassion practice guides, including compassionate body scans, emotional notation, protective breaks, and emotional work.

When you’re upset, imagine comforting your younger self or a favorite baby animal

By imagining offering compassion to someone, like a baby deer or a helpless kitten, one can better understand and extend compassion to themselves.