Tips for more sound sleep

Go bland before bedtime

To fall asleep quickly, avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol for at least four hours before you go to bed.

Be predictable

Go to bed around the same time every night and try to follow a similar routine. Waking at the same time every morning is also essential in keeping a regular sleep schedule.

Don’t toss and turn

If you can’t sleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something else until you feel sleepy again. Tossing and turning may cause more anxiety than relaxation.

Save the bed for sleep

Avoid paying bills, reading the paper or watching TV in bed. It’s important to correlate your bed with sleep, not stress.

Take a bath

Take a warm bath before bedtime to help your body relax. You may want to add lavender or other soothing oils into your bath water. Also, taking a bath can be more relaxing than a shower.

Exercise early

If you exercise, do it before dinner, not after. Exercising late at night may wake you up instead of helping you relax.

Make your room dark

People usually sleep best in a cool, dark environment. Hanging heavy drapes or wearing a sleep mask may help.