Things to know about prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer

Prostate cancer, a prevalent and leading cause of cancer death in men globally, accounts for 34,000 new cases and 16,000 deaths annually in India.

Initially, a person may have no symptoms of prostate cancer

Early prostate cancer patients may experience no symptoms, but later stages may experience pain in the lower pelvic area, frequent urination, hematuria, painful ejaculation, back, hip, or upper thighs pain.

Risk factors are important to identify

Modifiable factors like diet, obesity, smoking, chemical exposure, and sexually transmitted infections increase prostate cancer risk, while non-modifiable factors like age and family history contribute to the risk.

Risk of prostate cancer increases with age

Prostate cancer risk increases with age, particularly after age 50, with 60% of cases diagnosed in individuals 65 or older.

Early stage detection helps in better improved survival

Early detection of prostate cancer is crucial for patient survival and quality of life, often achieved through PSA testing and digital rectal examination.