These are the most useful prompts to make your life easier
Prompt 1: Simplifying complex notions
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Prompt: Hey ChatGPT. I want to learn about (insert specific topic). Explain (insert specific topic) in simple terms. Explain to me like I'm 11 years old.
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Prompt 2: Generate the perfect marketing plan
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Prompt: I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages
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Prompt 3: Take advantage of expert consulting
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Prompt: I will provide you with an argument or opinion of mine. I want you to criticise it as if you were <person>
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Prompt 4: Job interview simulations
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Prompt: Simulate a job interview for (insert specific role). Context: I am looking for this job and you are the interviewer. You will ask me appropriate questions as if we were in an interview.
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Prompt 5: Make ChatGPT write like you
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Prompt: [Insert Text]Write about (insert text topic) as the above author would write.