The six ancient traditions of King Charles' coronation revealed

The Recognition

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The first part of the ceremony involves the presentation of the monarch to the people. This rite dates back to ancient procedures of the Witan – the supreme council of England in Anglo-Saxon times.

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The Oath

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During the second stage of the service, King Charles will make a series of promises to reign - according to the law, exercise justice with mercy and maintain the Church of England

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The Anointing

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In line with tradition, King Charles III will subsequently be "anointed, blessed and consecrated" by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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The Investiture and the crowning

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The King will be presented with a jewelled sword and the golden spurs which is the symbol of chivalry. He will also be presented with the armills – golden bracelets of sincerity and wisdom.

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The Enthronement

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After a blessing, the King will go to his throne and be "lifted up into it by the archbishops and bishops, and other peers of the kingdom".

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The Homage

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In the final segment of the coronation, the archbishop, royal blood princes – likely to include the Prince of Wales – and senior peers will pay homage to the monarch.