The most drought-prone countries in the world


A severe drought has been affecting most of the country since early 2021. It has crippled crop production and livestock leading to critical food shortages.


Angola is also facing the worst recorded drought in 40 years. About 1.58 million people are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity.


Prolonged dry conditions in Brazil have caused the worst drought of the century in central and southern parts in 2021. The drought caused crop losses, water scarcity, and increased fire activity in the Amazon

Burkina faso

The Sahel region of Burkina Faso is experiencing the worst drought in over a decade. Over 10.5 million people have been plunged into malnutrition.


Chile entered the 13th year of a record-breaking drought with no rain falling on the Chilean soil. This is the country’s worst drought in 60 years which has forced the government to ration water for its citizens.


Ethiopia also faces its worst drought in decades. The adverse weather conditions brought about by El Niño have led to two consecutive failures of the rainy seasons.


The damage from desertification has been the worst in Iraq. Climate change and mismanagement by the government have led to recurrent sandstorms making parts of the country unliveable.