The most adventurous zodiac sign


Aquarius loves sticking out and shaking up the status quo. This open-minded air sign will try anything once and never judges a situation until they've lived it for themselves first.


Scorpios are known for their love of mystery and the unknown. When other signs shy away from a challenge, this brave water sign dives in headfirst.


No sign goes more with the flow than Pisces. These easygoing dreamers are always down for spur-of-the-moment plans with friends.


Geminis look at every challenge as an opportunity to learn something new about themselves and other people. They thrive in social situations where they can meet people from all walks of life and immerse themselves completely in a new culture, country, or community.


They are known to be thrill-seekers because they'll do anything to experience the adrenaline rush of being the first to conquer a challenge.


Sagittarius is almost synonymous with the word adventurous. They are widely known for their risk-taking behaviors, thirst for knowledge, and radical optimism.