The 10 Worst Eating Habits For Your Metabolism

Eating too many refined carbohydrates and added sugars

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"Consuming excessive refined carbohydrates, such as sugary cereals and white bread, can cause rapid spikes in your blood sugar levels, followed by blood sugar crashes

Not getting enough healthy fats

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Aside from the fact that sources of healthy fats like fish, avocados, and nuts are delicious and filling, these healthy fats are also important for your metabolic health, too

Crash dietiting

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We know how easy it can be to fall prey to the allure of crash diets, especially as the pressure to lose weight quickly is all around us.

Eating a diet low in vitamins and minerals

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Eating mostly processed foods and not getting enough fruits and vegetables can result in you not getting adequate levels of important vitamins and minerals

Skipping your post-workout snack

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To avoid this, eat a post-workout snack like a protein bar or shake, cottage cheese with berries, or a slice of whole-grain toast with avocado and a hard-boiled egg

Drinking too much alcohol

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When you consume alcohol, your body prioritizes the breakdown of alcohol over the other nutrients you've consumed.

Not eating enough protein throughout the day

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"Most of us consume enough total protein but we don't properly divide it between our meals and snacks to maximize our muscle growth and repair

Skipping breakfast

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It can be tempting to wake up in the morning and skip breakfast. Maybe you are super busy and forget to have food with your coffee

Getting too many of your daily calories at night

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For instance, people who eat a ton of calories for dinner or later at night may be negatively impacting their metabolism.

Not eating enough fiber

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According to Nutrients, fiber not only helps you maintain a healthy metabolism, but it also helps fight things like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.