Strengthen your hamstrings with these six exercises

Reverse plank

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Sit down with your legs extended in front.Put your palms down and in line with your shoulders.Press down with your hands and lift your hips upward.

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Good morning exercise

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Stand with feet hip-width apart and keep your hands at your ears.Keep a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward pushing your hip back.Lower down your torso until you are parallel to the floor.

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Sumo squats

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Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and stretch your arms out front at shoulder height.Take a deep breath and push your hips back a little.Now, engaging your core, lower down in a squat position.

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Single-leg glute bridge

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Lie on your back on the floor. Keep your knees bent and hands by your sides.Then, extend your right leg upwards at a 45-degree angle.Lift your hips pushing the left foot off the floor.

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Barbell hip thrust

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Sit down with bent knees keeping your feet hip-width apart.Rest your upper back on a bench. Hold a barbell with your hands resting it above your waist.Push through your heels to lift your hips up, while keeping your upper back in place

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Kickstand deadlift

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Stand in a kickstand position, placing one foot behind the other.Elevate the foot that's behind and push your hips back.With dumbbells on each hand, slowly lower down to your feet hinging at your hips