Steven Spielberg believes aliens exist; accuses US government of hiding information

The director also claimed that the US government is trying to cover up their existence

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"I don't believe we're alone in the universe," Spielberg said, before adding,  "I think it's mathematically impossible that we are the only intelligent species in the cosmos

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The director also shared that he has investigated and discovered over 500 real-life encounters with aliens.

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"There is something out there. I do not know if I am a believer in the sense I am the kind of person that would think I have got to see something like that to believe it.

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"I have never seen a UFO. I wish I did. I have never seen anything I could not explain. But I believe certain people who have seen things they cannot explain

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That is unexplainable. I think what has been coming out recently is fascinating," Spielberg added

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"It almost seems impossible that anybody would visit us from 400 million light years from here except in the movies

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It figures out some way of basically jumping the shark and getting here through wormholes," he concluded.

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