Steamed Food To No Cheat Meals: Virat Kohli’s Fitness Diet

Virat has given up on oil and fried food. He mostly has steamed food and says that it has become such a huge part of his lifestyle that he does not even miss the regular fried and oily food that he once used to love

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The Royal Challengers Bengaluru player loves to eat various kinds of salads and his go to dressing for most of the varieties is olive oil.

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He eats food cooked in high quality olive oil and that is one of his secrets to maintaining an enviable physique for almost a decade now.

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Ghar ka khana is healthy and low in oil and spices, which lets the picky cricketer enjoy his food without worrying about the calorie intake. He still loves the rajma chawal made by his mother the most

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Virat says that his healthy diet is more or less a part of his personality now. Even if given a chance, he does not feel like hogging on unhealthy stuff

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His one true cheat meal is chhole bhature, and still, he would just have it once and go for months without craving for another plate.

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A huge change for a Punjabi boy from Delhi, Virat has given up meat a couple years ago and only eats eggs for protein and to build his strength.

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Once a huge lover of butter chicken, the cricketer has now completely eliminated all sorts of meat from his diet and says he feels better than ever having made this decision.

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