Skincare trends to look forward in 2024

Edible skincare

In 2024, skincare will shift towards a more inside-out approach, with edible skincare becoming mainstream, featuring protein and collagen-infused beauty bars, microbiome balancing skincare, and calcium-rich bone broths.

Filter-free skin

Skin health awareness is increasing, leading to 'filter-free skin' and a shift from makeup application to focusing on skin health, with a goal of naturally radiant skin.


Skinminimalism is expected to continue in 2024, with consumers seeking synergistic, cost-effective skincare routines. This shift away from heavy layering and a focus on performance-driven solutions is expected to lead to radiant, rejuvenated skin.

NAD+ Boosters

NAD+, a vitamin B derivative, is set to become a key focus in skincare next year, as it contributes to a comprehensive approach to beauty.

Growth factor technology

From 2024, growth factor technology in cellular skincare is expected to rise, targeting natural substances to promote healthy skin structure and function, promoting collagen formation and repairing damaged skin.