Simple stretches to relieve lower back pain

Simple stretches to relieve lower back pain

Knee-to-chest stretch

Perform the knee-to-chest stretch by lying on your back and pulling and then holding one or both knees to your chest.

Trunk rotation

Perform the trunk rotation by keeping your knees together up toward your chest, gently rolling your knees to one side, and holding the position.


Perform the Cat-Cow by arching your back for the cat pose, then letting your pelvis fall forward for the cow pose.

Seated hamstring stretch

Perform the seated hamstring stretch by sitting on the floor with one of your legs extended, hooking a towel around the bottom of your heel, and using the towel to gently pull yourself forward.

Pelvic tilt

Perform the pelvic tilt by flattening your back against the floor, tightening your abdominal and buttock muscles, and pushing your pelvis toward the ceiling.

Flexion rotation

Perform the flexion rotation by bending one leg, hooking your foot around your other knee, and slowly rotating your upper body backward by touching your shoulder blade to the floor.

Supported bridge

Perform the supported bridge by positioning a foam roller or firm cushion underneath your hips and then relaxing your entire body.