Ronnie Coleman reveals his gym routine for winning Mr. Olympia

Whenever we talk about bodybuilding, most people think of Ronnie Coleman first. Ronnie Coleman is a professional bodybuilder who retired in 2007.

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Recently, Ronnie Coleman was interviewed by Ranveer Allahbadia in which he explained his whole experience of fitness journey and how he trained himself to become such an extraordinary bodybuilder.

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Ronnie shared his personal experience in the field of bodybuilding and certainly shared his gym routine to influence the youth who are trying to train their bodies.

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Ronnie was asked about his rep range to which he said that he had a fixed rep range ranging from 10 to 30 and he used to rotate it from time to time.

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For chest workout specifically, he followed a rep range of four sets i.e. 20, 15, 12, and 10 and according to Ronnie Coleman, if someone burns themselves out with every set, that is the key to growing up to an optimal size.

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He explained that overdoing rep ranges never added to his bodybuilding growth, so it is advised to have a gym routine and follow it to avoid mistakes.

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The soreness has nothing to do with the bodybuilding as Ronnie Coleman said that he hardly ever got sore and not to take muscle soreness as a sign that your body is building up

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Ronnie Coleman was one of the greatest bodybuilders and people should get inspired by him as he is still in his game after being retired and going through such tough times.

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