Rice For Weight Loss: Here's How Much You Should Eat For Effective Results

For most Indians, there is no better comfort food than rice. Whether it's paired with rajma, dal, or any curry, rice is a culinary delight that many adore

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But fear not, because nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shares some valuable insights on how you can continue enjoying rice without worrying about those extra kilos.

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Mindful portion: It is quite common to underestimate rice portions, and that's why it's a good idea to use a medium-sized bowl when serving rice

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This simple step can help you keep track of the right portion size and prevent overeating

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Balanced plate: Achieving a well-balanced meal is key. Ensure your plate includes a harmonious mix of proteins and vegetables. Pair your rice with protein-rich options such as dal, rajma, or chola, and complement them with an assortment of vegetables.

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Second helping strategy: If you're tempted to go for seconds, here is a clever strategy to maintain control. Start with an extra serving of dal and vegetables before adding more rice.

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This approach not only keeps your portion size in check but also introduces additional fibre and protein into your meal, reducing the risk of rapid insulin spikes.

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End with curd: Conclude your meal with a serving of curd. Not only does it contribute a delightful creaminess to your food, but it also delivers essential probiotics that support digestion

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So follow these simple tips and enjoy eating rice without gaining weight.

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