Reasons behind recurring dreams and what they say about our mental health

Unresolved issues

Recurring dreams often reflect unresolved issues in our lives, such as family conflicts or guilt or regrets, such as fear of failure or feeling like falling in waking life.

Stress and anxiety

Recurring nightmares often indicate high-stress levels and anxiety, involving distressing scenarios like chases, falling, or losing control, which can disrupt sleep quality and exacerbate anxiety.

Trauma and PTSD

Trauma-induced recurring nightmares, triggered by vivid, emotionally intense experiences like accidents, abuse, or combat, can be challenging to cope with, often causing flashbacks and intrusive thoughts.

Repetitive thought patterns

Repetitional dreams can reveal daily habits or behaviors, prompting introspection and breaking free from harmful cycles.

Unmet desires

Consistent dreams expressing unfulfilled desires can reveal our subconscious desires, such as a person dreaming about flying, indicating a desire for liberation in their daily life.