Pokemon Sleep finally announced: Release date, platforms, and more

Revealed at the latest Pokemon Presents showcase, players can discover various critters from Game Freak's iconic RPG franchise while asleep

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This casual, quality-of-life software is light on gameplay. It is meant to be a fun and relaxing surface-level experience

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Sleep is presented as a bite-sized experience taking place on an island

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The focus is sleeping Snorlax, who will record the player's sleeping patterns under Professor Neroli's observation. Neroli is a brand new NPC who is also a sleep researcher

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The gameplay is performed while asleep as a sleep-recording session. Players must set the alarm in the app and keep their phones

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Depending on the type of sleep players are categorized into, creatures that also have similar sleep styles to the player will appear on the island around Snorlax

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Players may even come across unique sleep styles for some species. Some examples include the Sunbathing Sleep posture for Bulbasaur and Tummy-Rub for Charmander

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Pokemon GO Plus+ has also been announced. It is a small, Pokeball-shaped device that makes Pikachu sounds in response to actions

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The way it works in the latter is that instead of referring to the smartphone app to tweak, players only need to press the button on the Pokeball's face before going to sleep and after waking up

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This way, the player's sleep will be automatically recorded, which can then be viewed in the smartphone app

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