Benefits of sleeping routines

Night owl

Night owls are known to thrive in the evening and nighttime hours

Enhanced creativity

Night owls may show enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities during evening hours.

Better performance in evening activities

Night owls tend to perform better in tasks that require sustained attention and cognitive function during the late hours.

Social opportunities

Night owls may find it easier to socialise with others who prefer to be active during the evening, facilitating bonding and interaction.

Early bird

Morning birds are alert, productive, and sleep earlier, resulting in better productivity.

Improved productivity

Early birds are often more productive during the morning, making it an optimal time for important tasks and decision-making.

Consistent routine

Early risers tend to establish a consistent routine that aligns well with the traditional work schedule, resulting in better time management.

Exposure to morning sunlight

Morning light exposure can positively impact circadian rhythms, mood, and overall health.