Most incredibly colorful ocean creatures

Christmas Tree Worm

Christmas tree worms are colorful marine creatures distributed throughout tropical oceans around the world. These worms have two brightly colored Christmas tree-like crowns.

Flower Hat Jelly

Flower hat jelly is a colorful rare species of jellyfish native to Western Pacific ocean, look like hat with flowers on it.

Nudibranchs are jelly-bodied, shell-less mollusks that live throughout the world oceans. There are more than 3000 species of nudibranchs in the world.


Sea Anemone

There are more than a thousand described species of sea anemones that live throughout the world ocean.


Starfishes are belonging to a family of sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and sand dollars and are one of the most beautiful and colorful sea creatures found in all the world's oceans.


There are 90 species of parrotfish in total, which live in subtropical and shallow tropical oceans around the world.

Blue Tang

The blue tang is one of the popular fishes in the marine aquarium and has Indo-Pacific distribution.