All about frostbites: Causes, symptoms, prevention, and more

What is frostbite?

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Frostbite damages the skin and tissue, and usually occurs when your skin gets exposed to extremely cold temperatures, below -0.55C. The colder it is, the faster you develop the symptoms

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Several stages involved in a frostbite

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Frostnip- cause pain and tingling but no permanent skin damage Superficial frostbite- Causing slight changes in skin color Severe frostbite-makes your skin turn white or blue-gray

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Symptoms of the condition

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During the beginning phases of the condition, you could feel cold skin and an unresponsive and thorny inclination. Your skin generally turns pale white or yellow

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Causes behind frostbite

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Wearing garments that don't safeguard against breezy, or crisp climate, wearing tight outfits, or remaining vulnerable for longer can set off the condition.

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How to prevent the condition

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Attempt to remain inside and cutoff your time outside however much as could reasonably be expected in crisp or chilly climate conditions. Go through weather conditions gauges prior to heading outside.

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Is there any treatment available for the condition?

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It can be treated by rewarming the skin where you need to take a warm water bath for 15-20 minutes and then move the affected area gently as it rewarms.