Monsoon: How to take care of stray animals

Accommodate them in your home or housing society

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Since there's water everywhere and you're staying indoors, you can also provide shelter to stray dogs and cats in your vicinity.

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Give them food, clean water, and medical attention

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Stray animals may go through a hard time searching for food and water during the monsoon as everything around is wet and contaminated.

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Support animal drives and local NGOs

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Animal shelters also face various challenges during the rainy season, typically when it comes to funds, medication, and access to fresh food and water for stray dogs and cats.

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Deworm them

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Due to the rains, everything around is muddy and wet, which can negatively impact the health of animals.

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Make animal experts, vets, and local NGOs aware

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If you are not around or are unable to help stray animals, make local NGO bodies, animal shelter homes, veterinaries, and animal experts aware of the situation around your vicinity.