Lines for deep thoughts from "The Mountain Is You"

You are going to have to get real with yourself. You are going to have to decide that you love yourself too much to stop settling for less than what you deserve.

The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. You’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that move you forward.

When we are afraid of failing, or feeling vulnerable, or not being as good as we want others to think we are, we end up avoiding the work that is required to actually become that good.

A mind-blowing, singular breakthrough is not what changes your life. A micro shift is, breakthroughs are what happens after hours, days, and years of the same mundane, monotonous work.

Other people’s lives do not revolve around you, nor do their thoughts. They are busy thinking about themselves in the same way that you are thinking about yourself.

The fact that you are imperfect is not a sign that you have failed; it is a sign that you are human, and more importantly, it is a sign that you still have more potential within you.

Take a piece of paper and a pen, and write down everything you aren’t happy with. Write down, very specifically, every single problem you face.