Know Yourself Test What Your Palm Lines Say About Your Personality?

What your life line says about you?

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A big, long life line curving in a semi-circle indicates high levels of enthusiasm, strength, and a never-give-up attitude. A person is vibrant, good at sports or adventures, and a go-getter.

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What your heart line says about you?

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A longer heart line indicates understanding nature, romantic, expressive, and cooperative in relationships and love life.

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What your fate line says about you?

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A strong, straight fate line indicates fortune and luck in career and money matters. A person finds stability from a young age. A person finds himself among the right places, the right people at the right time.

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What your head line says about you?

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A strong, long head line indicates a clear head, decisiveness, great memory, intelligence, intuition, willpower, smartness, potential, self-learning abilities, and wisdom to react appropriately to information or situations.

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