How to Get Your Dog to Poop Outside, No Matter the Weather

Train Your Dog to Poop Outside

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The best way to get your dog to poop outside in inclement weather is to train your pet beforehand. Decide on a cue—it can be a phrase like “be quick,” or a word, like “potty” or “poop.

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Dress Your Dog for the Weather

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If your pooch is uncomfortable, cold and wet, he’s not going to be focused on anything but getting back to a safe, warm space, Bekker says.

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Make Your Backyard More Enticing for Potty-Going

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Creating a covered area in your yard might keep things dry enough to get your dog to poop out there no matter the weather.

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Create an Indoor Potty Area

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Really bad weather—blizzards, hail storms or severe thunderstorms—can derail plans for bathroom walks. After all, you don’t want your pooch struck by lightning or encountering a downed power line.

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Go on a Poop-and-Pee Walk

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Some dogs prefer company if they’re going to go out in the rain or snow, so even if you have a back yard, you may to leash up your pup and head out together. (Remember, walking is good exercise for you and your pet!)