Know about vitamin B deficiency: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

What is vitamin B deficiency?

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Vitamin B deficiency in your body occurs when you do not include vitamin B-rich food in your diet or suffer from a certain health condition.

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Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency

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A deficiency in vitamin B can affect the functions of your circulatory and nervous systems if not treated early.

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Causes of vitamin B deficiency

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You are more likely to suffer from vitamin B deficiency if you have atrophic gastritis in which your stomach lining gets thinned.

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Foods that you must include in your diet

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Vitamin B is usually found in dairy products and meat. If you are following a vegan diet, you are at a higher risk of getting a vitamin B deficiency.

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How is it diagnosed and treated?

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Vitamin B deficiency can be diagnosed after doing a complete blood count test. If the amount of vitamin B in the blood is less than 150 per milliliter, then the individual is suffering from vitamin B deficiency.