Implementing positive self-talk into your daily routine
Don’t fall into negative self-talk traps
Identify negative thinking, including personalizing, magnifying, catastrophizing, and polarizing, to identify triggers and brainstorm counteracting negativity.
Treat yourself like you would a friend
The Mayo Clinic staff advises self-care, including being gentle and encouraging, evaluating negative thoughts, identifying triggers, and brainstorming counteracting negativity.
Make self-care a priority
Spend a few minutes daily engaging in self-care activities like mindfulness meditation, physical activities, healthy meals, and activities that bring happiness, even if it's just a small window of time.
Limit your exposure to negativity
Limit negativity in your life by removing social media apps, reducing time spent with toxic friends, and surrounded by positive people.
Practice gratitude
Using gratitude journals or mental checklists can enhance attitude and self-talk by focusing on positive aspects of life, rather than dwelling on shortcomings.