How  to  take  care  of your  Leather Clothes?

Don’t  Let  It  Get  Wet

Avoid stepping out in the rain, wearing leather.

Use  Padded Hangers  to  Store Leather  Garments

When storing leather garments, avoid using plastic bags because they don’t allow garments to breathe.

Keep  your Leather  Clothes Away  from  Heat

Heat can prove damaging for leather as it can cause it to lose its moisture, never lay your leather clothes near a heating vent or other heat emitting devices.

Clean  Regularly

Cleaning leather apparel is important to prolong its life. You can avail of cleaning services from professional dry cleaners to ensure the protection of your leather clothes while washing.

Use  a  Leather Conditioner

It’s essential to use a leather conditioner to prolong the life of your leather clothes, these conditioners can help retain leather’s moisture.

Don’t  Fold

If your leather clothes remain folded for a long time, they can become creased and get damaged. The preferable method to maintain your leather clothes is to hang them.

Don’t  Remove Stains  by Yourself

If you’ve got a stain on your leather clothing, don’t try to remove it yourself, you may end up damaging the leather, especially if you’re not a professional