How to manage period cramps during the winter season

Include turmeric in the diet

Turmeric, rich in anti-inflammatory properties, can alleviate cramps and abdominal pain, and can be added to soups, curry, vegetables, and milk.

Stay hydrated

Bloating during menstruation can cause discomfort and cramps. Drinking enough water and hot water can alleviate pain, increase blood flow, and relax muscles.

Opt for herbal teas

Chamomile, fennel, or ginger teas have anti-inflammatory properties, easing period pain and aiding in de-stressing and relaxation, but not overindulging.

Don’t forget to apply heat

Menstrual cramps can be managed with hot therapy, such as heating pads, hot water, or baths, which increase blood flow and relax muscles, reducing pain.

Exercise without fail

Exercises can release endorphins, which are natural painkillers, which can bring happiness, reduce pain, and relax muscles.