How to include chia seeds in your diet?


Chia seeds add texture and nutrients to smoothies, such as this decadent chocolate almond chia seed smoothie.

Salad dressings

Chia seeds blend well with salad dressing ingredients such as olive oil, vinegars, honey, and lemon juice. Make a chia seed vinaigrette with honey, Dijon mustard, and apple cider vinegar to avoid artificial ingredients.


Chia pudding is easy to make at home, similar to tapioca. It can be served for breakfast or dessert, and can be topped with cinnamon, chocolate shavings, lemon zest, or maple syrup. It can also be layered with fresh fruit for a parfait.

Baked goods

Chia seeds can be used in place of eggs or as a thickener to keep baked goods moist and make banana chia breakfast muffins for a portable snack.