How to Help a Heart Attack Victim

Calling 911 for an ambulance is the first thing to do if you witness someone having a heart attack. Don’t even consider taking the person to the emergency room yourself

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The modern, well-equipped ambulance is like having the emergency room brought to your doorstep, and the person will get faster care than if you were to drive to the ER yourself

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Not surprisingly, many people lose their cool when reporting an emergency to 911.Try to remain calm and be sure to tell the operator exactly where you are

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Don’t hang up if you get a recording. Stay on the line and your call will be answered in order. If you hang up, your call will be delayed because you will be placed behind other callers

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Once you’ve called 911, loosen the person’s clothes to make breathing easier. Continue to try to communicate calmly with the person, even though you may be nervous and upset.

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You don’t want to add to the victim's anxiety and cause them to produce more adrenalin, which can be harmful in this situation. If you have one on hand

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An aspirin can help break up the blood clot that is causing the heart attack. (Don’t give the person aspirin if you think they may be having a stroke.)

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You won’t need to do cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) unless the heart attack victim goes into cardiac arrest, which means they are unconscious and have stopped breathing

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If this happens, CPR will keep the blood circulating while you wait for the ambulance or for someone to get a defibrillator

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