Home remedies to treat unbearable menstrual cramps naturally

Practise yoga

Yoga, a form of relaxation, deep breathing, and stretching, can alleviate period cramps by promoting pelvic tension, increasing circulation, and relaxing abdominal muscles.

Massage with essential oils

Research shows lavender, rose, sage, cinnamon, and clove oils, when combined with other oils, can effectively relieve menstrual cramps when rubbed onto the belly.

Low-inflammatory diet

Managing period cramps can be achieved by incorporating foods like berries, avocados, and almonds, which provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to reduce inflammation and alleviate cramping pain.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas, like chamomile and peppermint, offer a natural, calming solution for menstrual cramps, containing sedative substances that alleviate pain and muscular tension.

Hot bottle bag

A hot water bottle can be used to relieve menstrual cramp pain by promoting blood flow, relaxing muscles, and easing cramps by providing warmth.