Here's all you need to know about winter solstice

What is the winter solstice?

Earth's tilted 23.4 degrees affects Sun's arc, with northern hemisphere experiencing lower temperatures during winter solstice and southern hemisphere living in summertime due to South Pole's orientation.

Why it's called the shortest day of the year?

The winter solstice, or December solstice, marks the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere, with shorter days until the longest day is the summer solstice.

What does ‘solstice’ mean?

The term "solstice" originates from the Latin word "solstitium," meaning "the sun stands still," referring to the pause in the sun's journey before changing direction.

When is winter solstice 2023?

The winter solstice, observed in India on December 22, is the shortest day of the year, with a shorter 8 hours and 49 minutes compared to the summer solstice.

How to watch winter solstice 2023?

On the solstice, Jupiter and the waxing gibbous moon shine together, making for a beautiful skywatch with a telescope or binoculars.