Val-Core dating highlights social causes' importance, with 25% of Indian singles valuing partner's involvement, with human rights issues being the top concern.
Betterment burnout
68% of women worldwide seek contentment, with 56% of Indian women considering partners who accept them as they are, contrasting with the constant pursuit of self-improvement.
Intuitive intimacy
Emotional intimacy is prioritized over physical connection for 35% of Indian singles, with 78% of women requiring a partner who understands both aspects.
Open-hearted masculinity
Globally, 25% of men are embracing openness, with 26% reporting positive mental health impacts in India, and 37% identifying vulnerability as a dating dealbreaker.
MVP (Most valuable partner)
Sports are gaining prominence, with women tennis stars, documentaries, and global competitions influencing 35% of single Indians, with cricket and football being top athletic interests.