Groundwater in the US is becoming dangerously salty, scientists say

Researchers have identified increased levels of dissolved sodium and chloride ions in wells across the US, a trend that indicates the nation's groundwater is becoming saltier.

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Working for the US Geological Survey (USGS), the team behind the survey suggests that rising salinity will have implications for infrastructure, ecosystems and human health, and that increased monitoring and management is required.

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The team analyzed 82 separate networks of 20 to 30 wells each, with samples typically taken at 10-year intervals since 1988. These networks included wells of shallow to moderate depth in domestic, urban and agricultural areas.

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A total of 500 different chemical compounds were identified, including metals, pesticides, fertilizers and radionuclides (radioactive isotopes)

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This type of detailed surveying has been going on for three decades in an effort to stay on top of water quality levels.

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Sampling results have not yet been peer-reviewed, but they can be found on the online interactive groundwater map maintained by the USGS, as well as sodium and chloride elevation

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The researchers identify three reasons why this increase matters: one is that saltier water is more corrosive, which can affect buildings and other infrastructure. In terms of groundwater, this would particularly apply to pipes and plumbing.

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Then there are the ecosystems connected to these water networks. Many streams are fed by groundwater, and higher concentrations of chloride ions in water can create toxic environments for aquatic life

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