Getting a piercing for the first time? Remember these pointers

Find a reputable piercing expert

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Getting infected is the last thing you would want while getting a piercing. The best practice to ensure this is by getting your piercing done from a reputed place.

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Everything needs to be sterile

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Everything your body comes into contact with when getting pierced in a salon should be sterile. This includes the piercer's hands as well as the jewelry, chair, and needle.

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Selection of jewelry

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Consult with your piercer to choose appropriate jewelry. Choose one that is safe for your skin.

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Give it time to heal

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The location of the piercing, the thickness of the tissue, and the degree of vascularity of the skin at that point all affect how long it takes to heal.

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Stay clean

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It doesn't end once you get the piercing done. It's crucial to establish and maintain an after-care routine too.